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Let's see how to add background in camera with Mediapipe and Construct 3 scripting
Zoom Style Virtual Background Setup with MediaPipe in Python
Camera Filter with Background Blur and Auto-Framing using Google MediaPipe
Background blurring for WebRTC: "Backgrounds are blurry, but the future is clear - CommCon2021"
Camera gesture
Let's see how to integrate Teachable Machine and Supabase (SQL Database) into Construct 3
Rock Paper Scissors Game using Camera Feed + Mediapipe
MediaPipe Hands と p5.js の組み合わせのテスト(Canvas の内容を p5.js で丸ごと取り込む、映像の表示位置を手の位置に合わせて変える)
Virtual Background Image Slider and Background Removal using OpenCV Python and MediaPipe.
Latest SELFIE SEGMENTATION with 100+ FPS on CPU - MediaPipe and OpenCV Python
両手の動きで音を奏でる(p5.js + MediaPipe Hands + Sonic Pi + osc.js)
Made a rock-paper-scissors game with MediaPipe and OpenCV.